國際語 Interlingua
萬國新語 Esperanto
道本語 toki pona
[譯] History 數篇
Salt was the primary currency during the Middle Ages in East Africa. The word “salary” is derived from the Latin word “salarium”, which meant “the money used to buy salt”.
With the ability to preserve food and being an essential element in man’s diet, salt was precious and highly valued during the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages. It was used for trading, where people would lick salt blocks to verify their authenticity and break pieces off as change.
Salt was not the only edible currency. Parmigiano cheese was once accepted as bank collateral in Italy. Tea bricks were used throughout China, Tibet, Mongolia and Central Asia because of the high value of tea in many parts of Asia. Cacao beans were also used in Central America for small daily transactions, e.g. a turkey egg cost 3 cacao beans. Somebody’s daughter was even said to be used as human sacrifice that cost 500 cacao beans!
鹽在中古世紀時期的東非是主要貨幣。而英文的「薪水」 salary,便是來自於拉丁文的 salarium,意思是「用來買鹽的錢」。鹽能夠用以保存食物,同時也是人類飲食的基本成分,因而在羅馬帝國與中古世紀期間,都彌足珍貴。它被用來作交易,人們會在交易時舔鹽磚,以確保那是真品,還會把鹽磚弄成碎塊,當成零錢使用。
The 1984 film “A Nightmare on Elm Street” by Wes Craven detailed the story of demon Freddy Krueger who slaughters people in their dreams. His inspiration was an LA Times article about a refugee from Cambodian genocide who was afraid to sleep, fearing that he would be killed in his dreams and never wake up. In the 1980s, dozens of South East Asians, particularly men from the Hmong ethnic group, died in their sleep.
The Hmong believed that the deaths and nightmares were punishments from their ancestors’ spirits for leaving Laos. In the 1960s when the Vietnam War spread to Laos, more than 30,000 Hmong soldiers were recruited to fight alongside the USA. Laos became a communist country at the end of the war, and the Hmong soldiers were persecuted and regarded as traitors. Many soldiers escaped and became refugees in Thailand and US.
The mysterious deaths experienced by Hmong people were later classified as Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome (SUNDS).
一九八四年 Wes Craven 的電影「半夜鬼上牀」(A Nightmare on Elm Street),講述一個名叫 Freddy Krueger 的惡魔,會在人們睡夢中把人殺死的故事。其靈感來自於洛杉磯時報的一篇報導,裏面提及一名從紅色高棉大屠殺逃出來的難民,因為害怕在夢裏會被殺掉而不敢睡覺。在一九八〇年代,有許多東南亞人都在睡夢中死去,尤其是赫蒙族(Hmong)。赫蒙人相信,死亡與惡夢,都是祖靈因為他們離開寮國而施給他們的懲罰。在一九六〇年代,越戰擴及到寮國,有三萬多名赫蒙士兵受到徵召,為美軍打仗。越戰後,寮國成為共產主義國家,而赫蒙士兵則被視為叛徒,遭到迫害。許多士兵成為難民,逃往泰國、美國。
而赫蒙人所經歷的神祕死亡,後來被歸類為「原因不明夜間睡眠猝死綜合症」(SUNDS,Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome)。
On 10 May 1908, Anna Jarvis started the first Mother’s Day celebration in the US when she held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. Due to her promotional campaign efforts, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill in 1914 designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.
But when Mother’s Day became a national holiday, florists, card sellers, charities and other businesses started profiting from the celebration. Jarvis assumed that the businesses had misunderstood and exploited the holiday. Eventually, she fought against Mother’s Day profiteers by organizing campaigns, boycotts, and even issuing lawsuits. Before her death in 1948, she was seen in Philadelphia asking for signatures on a petition to revoke Mother’s Day.
一九〇八年五月十日,Anna Jarvis 在美國首次慶祝母親節,她在西維吉尼亞州格拉夫敦的聖安德魯衛理宗教堂(St Andrew's Methodist Church),為母親舉辦了一場紀念會。在她的努力推廣下,總統威爾遜在一九一四年簽署通過了一項法案,將五月的第二個星期日定為母親節。不過,在母親節成為國定假日後,花商、卡片販售商、慈善團體、其他店商等,開始從中獲利。Jarvis 認為這些店商誤解了這個節日,也利用了這個節日。最後,她為了打擊這些母親節獲益者,開始組織運動、發動抵制,甚至提起訴訟。她在一九四八年過世前,還在費城找人連署撤銷母親節的請願書。
In the aftermath of Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign in 1798–1801, Europeans became fascinated with everything that is related to Egypt in the 19th century.
During Egyptomania, people thought that the spirit of a person remained in its body after death. They believed that if they consumed mummia or ground mummy powder, they could obtain the dead person’s strength. Europeans purchased mummia and combined it with their drinks, believing that they would be cured of their ailments. The huge demand for mummia caused a trade for fake mummies made from prisoners, slaves, and beggars.
In 1821, British surgeon and antiquarian Thomas Pettigrew once saw a mummy unwrapping event in an Egyptian antiquities’ exhibition. He became interested in the idea and started organizing his own private unwrapping parties. Soon, unwrapping parties as a form of entertainment became a trend among the upper class. The craze ceased after the scientific community supported the preserving of ancient cultures.
英國外科醫師兼古物收藏家 Thomas Pettigrew,曾在一八二一年一場埃及古物展覽中,見到一具木乃伊拆包的過程,他從此對於拆包木乃伊深感興趣,進而開始舉辦私人的木仍伊拆包聚會。沒多久,這種聚會就變成了上流社會的流行娛樂,直到科學界支持保存古代文化後,這股狂熱方才結束。
In Flores, Indonesia, the Nage people believed in the existence of Ebu Gogo, interpreted as “grandmother who eats anything” or “old glutton.” The mythological creatures were alleged to have existed before the 17th century but were no longer seen today. It had a small physique and had a huge appetite. The creatures were said to be extinct as the humans hunted them for stealing food, kidnapping children, and eating human babies.
In 2003, a team of Indonesian and Australian archeologists discovered the fossils of Homo floresiensis in Liang Bua cave in Flores, Indonesia. Dubbed as the “Hobbit,” the species was noted to be only 3 feet, 3 inches in height. The Homo floresiensis was recorded to have survived till 50,000 years ago which means that they have coexisted with modern humans in Flores. Due to its discovery, some people believed that the species was related to the Ebu Gogo.
印尼佛羅勒斯島的納格人(Nage),他們相信有種怪物叫 Ebu Gogo,意思是「貪食婆」或「貪食佬」。據稱這種神話般的怪物在十七世紀以前確實存在,今日則已不復得見。他們身形矮小,卻食量巨大。據說他們因為偷竊食物、誘拐小孩、食用人類嬰兒等行徑,而遭到人類追殺,進而滅絕。在二〇〇三年,一群印尼與澳洲的考古學家,在佛羅勒斯島的 Liang Bua 洞穴,發現了佛羅勒斯人類(Homo floresiensis)的化石。這個人類物種,又被暱稱為「哈比人」,只有三呎三吋高(約九十九公分)。根據記錄顯示,佛羅勒斯人類一直存活到五萬年前,換句話說,他們曾跟佛羅勒斯島上的現代人共同生活過。這項發現讓有些人相信,這個人類物種跟 Ebu Gogo 有關。
In ancient Greek religion, Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and the moon. On the sixth day of the Thargelion or 6 May, worshipers honoured Artemis’ birth by inserting lit candles in their cake so it would illuminate like the moon. They also believe that the smoke carried their prayers to the gods. This belief was allegedly the origin why birthday celebrants make a wish before they blow out their candles.
Ancient Greeks apparently borrowed the idea of birthday celebration to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians supposed that when the pharaohs were crowned, they became gods. Their coronation day was celebrated as their birth as a god.
在古希臘宗教裏,阿緹密斯(Artemis)是狩獵神兼月神。在 Thargelion 月的第六天,亦即五月六日,膜拜者會在蛋糕插上蠟蠋,讓它像月亮一樣發亮,藉以紀念阿緹密斯神的誕辰。他們還相信,蠋火的煙會將他們的祈願帶給衆神。據說,這個信仰就是慶生者在吹熄蠟蠋前許願的來源。這種慶生方式,顯然是古希臘人從古埃及人那裏學來的。埃及人認為,法老在加冕後就會成為神,於是人們會把法老的加冕日,作為他們重新誕生為神的日子慶祝。
In his 1994 book “Schneewittchen: Märchen oder Wahrheit?” or “Snow White: Fairy Tale or True Story?”, Historian Eckhard Sander suggested that the German fairy tale was based on the life of Margaretha von Waldeck.
Famous for her beauty, Margaretha belonged to the noble family of Waldeck in Germany. Her father ran a number of copper mines with children workers, which connected to the story of the seven dwarfs in the fairy tale. The dwarfs’ house was said to be in Bergfreiheit, a copper mining village in the past. It is now popularly known as the Snow White village.
It was alleged that Margaretha moved to Siebengebirge, now Limburg, Netherlands, due to problems with her stepmother. She was later sent to the Brussels court by her father, where she attracted the attention of noblemen including Phillip II of Spain.
Unfortunately, she died in March 1554 at the age of 21. It was alleged that Margaretha was poisoned by her stepmother but it was impossible since the latter died 1546 before Margaretha's death.
歷史學家 Eckhard Sander 在他一九九四年出版的《白雪公主:是童話還是真實故事?》(Schneewittchen: Märchen oder Wahrheit?)一書中暗示,德國童話白雪公主,可能是根據華爾德克家瑪格麗特(Margaretha von Waldeck)的一生改編而成。瑪格麗特以貌美聞名,出身於日耳曼華爾德克貴族世家。父親經營着許多銅礦,裏頭用的是童工,童話裏的七矮人便與此有關。而七矮人的房子,據說就位在伯格弗萊海特(Bergfreiheit),這裏在過去是一座銅礦村莊,如今則是家喻戶曉的白雪公主村。
Luk thep or child angels are baby dolls which were believed to be powered with a child’s spirit. Some Buddhist monks blessed the dolls so it could bring good fortune to its owners.
Mananya Boonmi or Mama Ning allegedly started the trend of luk thep dolls, claiming that her business became successful due to her first child angel. She owned a collection of luk thep dolls and had people purchase from her. It could cost up to a thousand baht and the craze was hyped up by celebrities who said to have owed their success to luk thep.
People recognized the dolls as their own child. Owners feed them, clothed them and bought them gifts. Restaurants also had a luk thep meal and one airline treated the dolls as human passengers.
The fad seemed to have ceased after several luk thep dolls were abandoned in Buddhist temples. Apparently, the owners dumped the dolls after it failed to bring them luck.
仙童娃娃 ลูกเทพ 是一種仿嬰兒娃娃,人們認為它附有幼童的靈魂。有些佛教僧侶會對仙童娃娃加持,讓它能為主人帶來好運。據說,仙童娃娃的流行始於 Mananya Boonmi。她聲稱自己的生意之所以成功,就是來自於她的第一個仙童娃娃。她收集了一大堆仙童娃娃讓人購買,價錢可以高到一千泰銖。也因為許多名人把自己的成功歸因於仙童娃娃,從而帶起了這股風潮。
According to an Egyptian papyrus document, women in 1350 BCE were advised to pee on bags of wheat and barley seeds to know if they were pregnant. If the wheat seeds sprouted first, the baby was supposed to be a girl, but if the barley grew first, then it would be a boy. If nothing grew, then the woman was not pregnant.
According to a 1963 study, this method was about 70 percent accurate in determining pregnancy, but it was not precise in predicting the baby’s gender. Researchers hypothesized that the increased level of estrogens in the pregnant women’s urine could have stimulated the seeds’ growth.
In an 1897 influential book of Dr. Luther Emmett Holt, he advised mothers and children’s nurses to expose the young ones to fresh air to boost their immune system and strengthen their health. He even recommended laying an infant’s basket near an open window. But some mothers took it further with outdoor baby cages.
One of the first baby cages was invented and patented by Emma Read in 1922. It became popular in London in the 1930s. Mothers who lived in crowded urban apartments and did not have access to backyards or gardens were the common customers of the product.
Though there were no records of injuries from using the baby cage, its popularity declined due to child safety issues in the late 20th century.
路德·艾麥特·荷爾特醫生(Luther Emmett Holt)在他一八九七年出版的書中,建議母親與保姆將小孩暴露在新鮮空氣中,以增強他們的免疫系統,加強他們的健康。他甚至建議把嬰兒籃放在打開的窗戶附近。不過,有些母親卻更進一步,使用了戶外嬰兒籠。最早的一批嬰兒籠,是由艾瑪·里德(Emma Read)於一九二二年發明後申請專利,後來在一九三〇年代風行於倫敦。住在擁擠市區公寓裏的母親,沒有後院或花園等空間,於是成了這項產品的常客。
From 1347 to 1351, the Black Death or the Great Plague killed 30% to 60% of the entire population of Europe. During that time, no one knew the cause of the plague. Some Europeans targeted different groups such as beggars, lepers, pilgrims, and Jews. Since the Jews were the less infected, Europeans blamed and accused the Jews of poisoning their water sources that had spread the plague.
Starting in 1348 till the end of the pandemic, Jewish communities in various parts of France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium were sacked and murdered. Their villages were burned, and their valuable possessions were seized. Some Jewish managed to flee to nearby countries like Poland, where they find refuge under the protection of King Casimir. Other Jews killed themselves to avoid persecution.
Pope Clement VI attempted to protect the Jewish communities with two papal bulls claiming their innocence but it was undone by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, who gave the forfeited Jewish possessions to the local authorities to turn a blind eye against the atrocities.
At the end of the plague in 1351, the massacres of Jews halted but the persecution and discrimination of the race continued.
一三四七至一三五一年間,黑死病這場大瘟疫,導致歐洲有 30% 至 60% 的人口死亡。那時候,沒有人知道黑死病的原因為何,有些歐洲人便把目標指向乞丐、麻瘋病患、朝聖者、猶太人等群體。由於猶太人裏較少人受到傳染,歐洲人因而把病因歸咎於猶太人,指控他們在水源下毒,致使黑死病蔓延。從一三四八年開始,一直到疫情結束這段期間,法國、西班牙、德國、瑞士、比利時等國國內,有許多猶太人社群遭到掠劫與殺害。他們的村莊被焚毀,財產遭到強奪。有些猶太人努力逃往波蘭等鄰近國家,在當地受到了國王卡西米爾的庇護,其他有些猶太人則是選擇自殺,以避免遭受迫害。
Ever wondered why the surname Nguyễn is popular in Vietnam?
Most of the Vietnamese surnames derived from the last names of the emperors. Whenever a royal dynasty ruled Vietnam, the rival family and the emperor’s subjects were often forced to change their surnames as an act of submission. Others volunteered to change their surname to gain the favor of the ruling clan.
In 1232, after losing to the Trần clan, the Lý Dynasty was forced to change their surname to Nguyễn. To avoid retribution from the new King, the Mac clan also changed their surname to Nguyễn in 1592. In 1802, the last dynasty in Vietnam was ruled by the Nguyễn. Many subjects of the emperor were rewarded with the surname for their loyalty. The descendants of the other rulers as well as some offenders also changed their family name to Nguyễn to avoid prosecution.
Today, an estimate of 40 percent of the Vietnamese population has the surname Nguyễn.
On 4 August 1944, the 15-year-old German Jew Anne Frank and her family were captured during the Nazi occupation in Amsterdam. The accounts of her confinement throughout the Holocaust was written in her famous diary, but many were still baffled on who turned in the Frank family.
Throughout the years, several investigations were conducted regarding the capture of Anne and her family, but no suspect was still confirmed. Anne’s father, Otto Frank suggested that the informant was Willem van Maaren, who was a warehouse manager of the complex where their house was located. Some suspected Lena Hartog, the wife of one of the warehouse employees, while a few others noted that it could be Tonny Ahlers who was a Dutch Nazi sympathizer and a former business associate of Otto.
The book “The Backyard of the Secret Annex” by Gerard Kremer suggested that the culprit could be Ans van Dijk, a Jewish woman who was executed for cooperating in the capture of 145 people. On the other hand, a few researchers theorized that the Franks were captured when the German Security Service were raiding the premises to look for fraudulent food ration cards.
一九四四年八月四日,十五歲的德國猶太人安娜·法蘭克一家,在納粹占領阿姆斯特丹期間被抓。她在她著名的日記裏,寫下了她在猶太人大屠殺期間,遭到監禁的故事,但究竟是誰舉報法蘭克一家的,許多人仍對此感到困惑。安娜一家被抓一事,曾在幾年內進行了好幾次調查,但仍舊沒能確認嫌犯為誰。安娜的父親鄂圖·法蘭克認為,告密者是威廉·馬倫(Willem van Maaren),也就是他們家那一帶的倉庫管理人。有些人則懷疑是一名倉庫雇工的妻子勒拿·哈托格(Lena Hartog),更有少部分人認為,可能是湯尼·亞勒斯(Tonny Ahlers),他是荷蘭的納粹支持者,也曾是鄂圖的生意夥伴。
哲拉德·克萊默(Gerard Kremer)出版的「The Backyard of the Secret Annex」書中指出,凶手可能是安斯·狄克(Ans van Dijk),她是一名猶太婦人,因協同捕捉一百四十五人而遭處刑。不過,有少部分研究者認為,法蘭克一家是在德國保安部搜刮糧食卡時被抓的。
Did you know that even before the name Malaya, Malaysia was named the Golden Peninsula?
The Chersonesus Aurea or the Golden Peninsula was first referenced in the atlas and gazetteer of Greek geographer Claudius Ptolemy in 150 BCE. It included the entire Malay Peninsula which formerly consisted of Peninsular Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.
In ancient times, the Malay Peninsula was believed to have been a producer of gold. In fact, Malay-Portuguese writer Godinho de Erédia even mentioned the Patani and Pahang gold mines in his writings in the 17th century. Today, gold is not a major product of Malaysia but it still being mined in some areas like in Raub in Pahang.
您是否知道,馬來西亞在 Malaya 一名之前,還曾被稱為黃金半島?黃金半島,拉丁文作 Chersonesus Aurea,於西元前一五〇年首次出現在希臘地理學家托勒密(Claudius Ptolemy)的地圖及地名辭典裏,其所指範圍包括整個馬來半島,涵蓋今馬來西亞的半島部分,以及緬甸、泰國。
在古代,人們相信馬來半島出產黃金。事實上,十七世紀時的葡裔馬來作家 Godinho de Erédia,也在其著作中提及北大年與彭亨的金礦。如今,黃金已不是馬來西亞的主要物產,但在彭亨的勞勿等一些地區,仍在開採金礦。
[譯] 湯誓 / Discurso de T'ang
Le rege dice: "Veni, populo numerose! Ascolta lo que io va dicer! Isto non es mi parvitate qui osa fomentar un sedition, ma le soverano de Hsia ha committite multe crimines, e le celo me ha ordinate de le eliminar. Nunc, vos populo numerose, vos dice: 'Nostre prince, sin compassion pro nos, nos face abandonar le travalio agricultural pro attaccar Hsia.' Io ha ben audite vostre discursos. Ma le chef del familia del Hsia es culpabile, e per respecto pro le deo, io non osa non le attaccar. Nunc vos dice: 'Que face le crimines de Hsia a nos?' Alora le rege de Hsia exhauri le fortias de su subjectos e exploita le urbe de Hsia. Tote le habitantes son fatigate e disobediente, e dice: 'Quando perira iste sol? Nos morira totos con te!' Tal es le resultato del conducta del soverano de Hsia, e nunc io debe marchar contra ille. Adjuta me, per favor, a executar le punition veniente del celo, e io vos recompensara multo. Non dubita de illo, io non mancara a mi parola. Ma si vos non responde a mi appello, io vos mittera a morte, anque vostre infantes, sin pardono."
Le rege dice: "Veni, populo numerose! Ascolta lo que io va dicer! Isto non es mi parvitate qui osa fomentar un sedition, ma le soverano de Hsia ha committite multe crimines, e le celo me ha ordinate de le eliminar. Nunc, vos populo numerose, vos dice: 'Nostre prince, sin compassion pro nos, nos face abandonar le travalio agricultural pro attaccar Hsia.' Io ha ben audite vostre discursos. Ma le chef del familia del Hsia es culpabile, e per respecto pro le deo, io non osa non le attaccar. Nunc vos dice: 'Que face le crimines de Hsia a nos?' Alora le rege de Hsia exhauri le fortias de su subjectos e exploita le urbe de Hsia. Tote le habitantes son fatigate e disobediente, e dice: 'Quando perira iste sol? Nos morira totos con te!' Tal es le resultato del conducta del soverano de Hsia, e nunc io debe marchar contra ille. Adjuta me, per favor, a executar le punition veniente del celo, e io vos recompensara multo. Non dubita de illo, io non mancara a mi parola. Ma si vos non responde a mi appello, io vos mittera a morte, anque vostre infantes, sin pardono."
[譯] 蒲立本《文言文概論》第三章 名詞謂句
第三章 名詞謂句
在文言文裏,用名詞或名詞組作句子謂語時,一般不需要像英語 to be 或現代中文「是」之類的繫詞,而是在句尾加上「也」。否定時,也有其特殊用字「非」,而不是一般動詞的否定詞「不」。由此,我們可以定出句型:甲(非)乙也。
5 非我也,兵也 《孟子》
It was not I, it was the weapon.
6 是不為也,非不能也 《孟子》
This is not-doing, it is not not-being-able.
7 畏天者也 《孟子》
... is one who fears Heaven.
8 叟之所知也 《孟子》
It is what your reverence well knows.
9 夫非盡人之子與 《孟子》
Are we not all the sons of some man?
10 其正色邪 《莊子》
Is it its true colour?
11 然而至此極者,命也夫 《莊子》
That nonetheless I have reached this extremity, is fate, is it not?
12 此文王之勇也 《孟子》
This was King Wen's courage.
13 是亦走也 《孟子》
This was also running away.
要注意一點,「是」在文言文中並不是繫詞,這與現代中文含有 to be 意思的「是」不同。當然,「是」頻繁用作名詞謂語的概括性代詞,顯然是讓它變成現代中文含義的要素,最早大約出現於漢朝口語。
14 皆古聖人也 《孟子》
They were all sages of old.
16 乃夫子也。吾貺子 《左傳》
It was you (and no one else). I will reward you.
17 即不忍其觳觫,若無罪而就死地,故以羊易之也 《孟子》
It was indeed that I could not bear its trembling, like an innocent person going to the place of execution, and so changed it for a sheep.
18 必若桀紂者也 《孟子》
... will necessarily be one like Jie or Zhou.
19 子誠齊人也 《孟子》
You are truly a man of Qi.
20 固所願也 《孟子》
It is certainly what I want.
21 今之樂猶古之樂也 《孟子》
The music of today is like the music of old (from the point of view of the argument).
22 萬乘之國,弒其君者,必千乘之家 《孟子》
The one who murders the ruler of a country of ten thousand chariots will certainly be (the head of) a family of a thousand chariots.
23 是亂國已 《荀子》
One can tell that this is a disordered country.
24 君子曰,此亦妄人也已矣 《孟子》
The gentleman will say, 'I now realize that this is indeed a wild, reckless fellow.
除了無動詞之名詞謂語結構外,動詞「為」(做)也可以作繫詞使用,來表示 to be。因此,「為」也可以像現代中文的「作」一樣,用指暫時性的身分。
25 孟子為卿於齊 《孟子》
Mencius was a minister of state in Qi.
帶 do, make 意涵的「為」與 be 動詞「為」,其區別在於,do, make 意涵的「為」,其疑問代詞必須前置,這是及物動詞搭配疑問代詞時的通則(見第九章第三點),而 be 動詞[為],疑問代詞則接在其後,用作主語補語。
26 子為誰 《論語》
sir make who = Who are you?
27 ……不為不多矣 《孟子》
not make not many PERFECT = is (already) not not-many.
28 人皆可以為堯舜 《孟子》
Men can all be a Yao or Shun.
助詞「可〔以〕」(意為可能)需要有動詞來作其補語,見第四章第一點。這個句子也可以繙譯為 It is possible for all men to become a Yao or Shun.。也就是說,有某個潛在性變化元素隨着時間而變,而不只是無動詞之名詞謂句所暗指的那種無時間性的方程式。不過,這是來自於「可以」的意思,而不是來自「為」的任一本義,在「為」身上,並無任何語態或體態的色彩。要說明「為」的存在,最簡單的方式是,「可以」必須要有動詞作其補語。無論是「可」或「可以」,後面都不會接普通名詞。
與文言文句法的許多其他問題一樣,不用無動詞之名詞謂語結構,而改用「為」作 to be 的使用情況,還有待確認。
29 老而無妻曰鰥 《孟子》
To be old and without a wife is called 'guan'.
30 公曰,是其生也與吾同物。命之曰同 《左傳》
The duke said, 'This one in his birth is of the same substance as me.' He named hime Tong ('Same').
在先古典語言中,並沒有「也」的名詞謂語結構,而是使用「唯」(也作「惟」、「維」、「隹」)作為繫詞,以帶出名詞謂語。雖然「為」與「唯」在現代發音上恰巧相似,但兩者毫無關係。在早期中古漢語中,它唸作 jwi,後來則唸作 wiă。先古典時期的「唯」還有其他用法,可以像「也」一樣用作名詞標記,這兩者也許在字源上有相關。在古典時期語言中,「唯」以「只有」這個含義存留下來,留下它先古典時期句法行為的痕跡。
31 所臨唯信 《左傳》
What they (the spirits) attend is only good faith.
32 惟義所在 《孟子》
It is only where right behaviour lies (that a great man places his words and conduct).
在文言文裏,用名詞或名詞組作句子謂語時,一般不需要像英語 to be 或現代中文「是」之類的繫詞,而是在句尾加上「也」。否定時,也有其特殊用字「非」,而不是一般動詞的否定詞「不」。由此,我們可以定出句型:甲(非)乙也。
5 非我也,兵也 《孟子》
It was not I, it was the weapon.
6 是不為也,非不能也 《孟子》
This is not-doing, it is not not-being-able.
7 畏天者也 《孟子》
... is one who fears Heaven.
8 叟之所知也 《孟子》
It is what your reverence well knows.
9 夫非盡人之子與 《孟子》
Are we not all the sons of some man?
10 其正色邪 《莊子》
Is it its true colour?
11 然而至此極者,命也夫 《莊子》
That nonetheless I have reached this extremity, is fate, is it not?
12 此文王之勇也 《孟子》
This was King Wen's courage.
13 是亦走也 《孟子》
This was also running away.
要注意一點,「是」在文言文中並不是繫詞,這與現代中文含有 to be 意思的「是」不同。當然,「是」頻繁用作名詞謂語的概括性代詞,顯然是讓它變成現代中文含義的要素,最早大約出現於漢朝口語。
14 皆古聖人也 《孟子》
They were all sages of old.
16 乃夫子也。吾貺子 《左傳》
It was you (and no one else). I will reward you.
17 即不忍其觳觫,若無罪而就死地,故以羊易之也 《孟子》
It was indeed that I could not bear its trembling, like an innocent person going to the place of execution, and so changed it for a sheep.
18 必若桀紂者也 《孟子》
... will necessarily be one like Jie or Zhou.
19 子誠齊人也 《孟子》
You are truly a man of Qi.
20 固所願也 《孟子》
It is certainly what I want.
21 今之樂猶古之樂也 《孟子》
The music of today is like the music of old (from the point of view of the argument).
22 萬乘之國,弒其君者,必千乘之家 《孟子》
The one who murders the ruler of a country of ten thousand chariots will certainly be (the head of) a family of a thousand chariots.
23 是亂國已 《荀子》
One can tell that this is a disordered country.
24 君子曰,此亦妄人也已矣 《孟子》
The gentleman will say, 'I now realize that this is indeed a wild, reckless fellow.
除了無動詞之名詞謂語結構外,動詞「為」(做)也可以作繫詞使用,來表示 to be。因此,「為」也可以像現代中文的「作」一樣,用指暫時性的身分。
25 孟子為卿於齊 《孟子》
Mencius was a minister of state in Qi.
帶 do, make 意涵的「為」與 be 動詞「為」,其區別在於,do, make 意涵的「為」,其疑問代詞必須前置,這是及物動詞搭配疑問代詞時的通則(見第九章第三點),而 be 動詞[為],疑問代詞則接在其後,用作主語補語。
26 子為誰 《論語》
sir make who = Who are you?
27 ……不為不多矣 《孟子》
not make not many PERFECT = is (already) not not-many.
28 人皆可以為堯舜 《孟子》
Men can all be a Yao or Shun.
助詞「可〔以〕」(意為可能)需要有動詞來作其補語,見第四章第一點。這個句子也可以繙譯為 It is possible for all men to become a Yao or Shun.。也就是說,有某個潛在性變化元素隨着時間而變,而不只是無動詞之名詞謂句所暗指的那種無時間性的方程式。不過,這是來自於「可以」的意思,而不是來自「為」的任一本義,在「為」身上,並無任何語態或體態的色彩。要說明「為」的存在,最簡單的方式是,「可以」必須要有動詞作其補語。無論是「可」或「可以」,後面都不會接普通名詞。
與文言文句法的許多其他問題一樣,不用無動詞之名詞謂語結構,而改用「為」作 to be 的使用情況,還有待確認。
29 老而無妻曰鰥 《孟子》
To be old and without a wife is called 'guan'.
30 公曰,是其生也與吾同物。命之曰同 《左傳》
The duke said, 'This one in his birth is of the same substance as me.' He named hime Tong ('Same').
在先古典語言中,並沒有「也」的名詞謂語結構,而是使用「唯」(也作「惟」、「維」、「隹」)作為繫詞,以帶出名詞謂語。雖然「為」與「唯」在現代發音上恰巧相似,但兩者毫無關係。在早期中古漢語中,它唸作 jwi,後來則唸作 wiă。先古典時期的「唯」還有其他用法,可以像「也」一樣用作名詞標記,這兩者也許在字源上有相關。在古典時期語言中,「唯」以「只有」這個含義存留下來,留下它先古典時期句法行為的痕跡。
31 所臨唯信 《左傳》
What they (the spirits) attend is only good faith.
32 惟義所在 《孟子》
It is only where right behaviour lies (that a great man places his words and conduct).
[譯] 你說「迅猛龍」,我說「恐爪龍」
作者:Brian Switek
十五年前,轟動一時的電影《侏羅紀公園》,把一種全新的嗜殺恐龍介紹給觀衆【電影編劇暨原著小說作者麥可·克萊頓(Michael Crichton),已於本週三溘逝】。異特龍、暴龍等大型肉食恐龍,大家都已十分熟悉,但電影主角口中的「猛禽」,這種腳步輕盈的恐怖生物,卻鮮有人知。《侏羅紀公園》中的那羣迅猛龍,每隻腳上都長着致命的利爪,而且還具有驚人的智慧,每一處都如同暴龍一樣,令人戰慄。
他們確實在一些重要方面有所不同,基本上我們可以把恐爪龍看作是迅猛龍的放大版,恐爪龍的長度與高度,幾乎是他那蒙古近親的二倍。恐爪龍是在一九六〇年代時,由耶魯的古生物學家約翰·奧斯特倫(John Ostrom)所發現而記述下來。恐爪龍的每隻腳上都有個大鎌刀爪,長臂上有抓物狀的手,背後還有一條堅挺的尾巴,有助於追捕獵物時能保持平衡。這種恐龍改變了大家對恐龍的看法,讓大家知道,恐龍比以前所想的要更為活躍好動。
這種新的恐龍觀點,在一定程度上給古生物藝術家格列高里·S·保羅(Gregory S. Paul)帶來啟發,進而於一九八八年寫下《世界掠食恐龍》一書。書中不僅充滿帶有羽毛的恐龍插圖,也試着修正一些恐龍的分類。保羅寫出了蒙古迅猛龍與北美恐爪龍兩者骨骼間的相似性。他們極為相似,按生物命名規則,是以先出現的名稱為優先,保羅因而決定把恐爪龍化石分類在迅猛龍底下。
會不會是克萊頓以藝術創作的方式,把真實的迅猛龍,這種來自白堊紀蒙古的小型掠食動物,加以強化放大了?是有這個可能,但我並不這麼認為,特別是在聽了這部電影一位科學顧問的敘述之後尤然。DVD 裏附有特別收錄片段,包括幕後花絮,在《侏羅紀公園III》特輯一部紀錄片中,古生物學家傑克·霍納(Jack Horner)提到,直至最近才有完好的迅猛龍頭骨面世。
作者:Brian Switek
十五年前,轟動一時的電影《侏羅紀公園》,把一種全新的嗜殺恐龍介紹給觀衆【電影編劇暨原著小說作者麥可·克萊頓(Michael Crichton),已於本週三溘逝】。異特龍、暴龍等大型肉食恐龍,大家都已十分熟悉,但電影主角口中的「猛禽」,這種腳步輕盈的恐怖生物,卻鮮有人知。《侏羅紀公園》中的那羣迅猛龍,每隻腳上都長着致命的利爪,而且還具有驚人的智慧,每一處都如同暴龍一樣,令人戰慄。
他們確實在一些重要方面有所不同,基本上我們可以把恐爪龍看作是迅猛龍的放大版,恐爪龍的長度與高度,幾乎是他那蒙古近親的二倍。恐爪龍是在一九六〇年代時,由耶魯的古生物學家約翰·奧斯特倫(John Ostrom)所發現而記述下來。恐爪龍的每隻腳上都有個大鎌刀爪,長臂上有抓物狀的手,背後還有一條堅挺的尾巴,有助於追捕獵物時能保持平衡。這種恐龍改變了大家對恐龍的看法,讓大家知道,恐龍比以前所想的要更為活躍好動。
這種新的恐龍觀點,在一定程度上給古生物藝術家格列高里·S·保羅(Gregory S. Paul)帶來啟發,進而於一九八八年寫下《世界掠食恐龍》一書。書中不僅充滿帶有羽毛的恐龍插圖,也試着修正一些恐龍的分類。保羅寫出了蒙古迅猛龍與北美恐爪龍兩者骨骼間的相似性。他們極為相似,按生物命名規則,是以先出現的名稱為優先,保羅因而決定把恐爪龍化石分類在迅猛龍底下。
會不會是克萊頓以藝術創作的方式,把真實的迅猛龍,這種來自白堊紀蒙古的小型掠食動物,加以強化放大了?是有這個可能,但我並不這麼認為,特別是在聽了這部電影一位科學顧問的敘述之後尤然。DVD 裏附有特別收錄片段,包括幕後花絮,在《侏羅紀公園III》特輯一部紀錄片中,古生物學家傑克·霍納(Jack Horner)提到,直至最近才有完好的迅猛龍頭骨面世。
You say “Velociraptor,” I say “Deinonychus”
Scientists evaluate the accuracy of raptors depicted in Jurassic Park
By Brian Switek
NOVEMBER 7, 2008
Fifteen years ago, the blockbuster film Jurassic Park introduced audiences to a brand new kind of killer dinosaur. (Michael Crichton, the author of the source novel and screenwriter of the film, passed away on Wednesday)
Giant meat-eaters like Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus were familiar to everyone, but few people knew about the fleet-footed terrors called “raptors” by the film’s protagonists. Armed with a lethal killing claw on each foot, large grasping hands, and a startling degree of intelligence, the pack of Velociraptor in Jurassic Park were every bit as terrifying as the gargantuan Tyrannosaurus.
In paleontology, just like any other biological science, scientific names are often in a state of flux. Sometimes the same dinosaur species receives several different names from different scientists, at which point the first name to appear gets priority. Other times dinosaur species may get names that have already been used for other animals and they need to receive a new name as to avoid confusion. Many of these changes are known only to specialists, but there are a few dinosaurs that have become media darlings, and the public knows them by a different name than paleontologists do.
There was something very wrong about the group of Velociraptor in the movie, and paleontologists quickly picked up on it. First discovered in Mongolia in the 1920’s, Velociraptor was a small predator that would not have been more than waist-high standing next to a full-grown human. Indeed, when the big-screen adaptation of Jurassic Park was released in 1993, there was only one type of “raptor” big enough to be the dinosaurs that stalked the humans inside the park’s command center. That dinosaur was Deinonychus.
While it did differ in important ways, Deinonychus can basically be thought of as a scaled-up version of Velociraptor, being almost twice as long and twice as tall as its Mongolian cousin. Discovered and described by Yale paleontologist John Ostrom in the 1960s, Deinonychus had a large sickle-claw on each foot, long arms with grasping hands, and a stiffened tail that would have helped the animal keep its balance as it ran after prey. The genus changed how people thought about dinosaurs, suggesting that they were much more active and dynamic than had been supposed previously.
This new view of dinosaurs, in part, inspired the 1988 book Predatory Dinosaurs of the World by paleo-artist Gregory S. Paul. Not only was the volume chock-full of illustrations of feathered dinosaurs, but it also attempted to revise some dinosaur taxonomy. Paul noted the similarities between the skeletons of the Velociraptor from Mongolia and the Deinonychus skeletons from North America. They were so similar, in fact, that he decided to group the Deinonychus fossils under the name Velociraptor, as the older name took precedence according to the rules by which organisms are named.
Paleontologists did not agree with this change—Velociraptor was kept distinct from Deinonychus—but Paul’s book was a hit with the general public. And one of the people who read the book was author Michael Crichton. We know this because in the acknowledgements for his novel Jurassic Park, Crichton listed Paul as one of the people who inspired his vision for dinosaurs portrayed in the book, and he used the name Velociraptor to describe the large, sickle-clawed predators that disembowel so many humans in the fictional yarn. The same taxonomy was carried over into the film series, which ultimately made what would otherwise seem to be an abstruse scientific term a household name.
Could it be that Crichton used some artistic license to beef up the true Velociraptors, little predators from the Cretaceous of Mongolia? It is possible, but I doubt it, particularly given the statements of one of the film’s scientific advisors. DVDs are packed full of special features, including “making of” films, and in one of these documentaries accompanying the Jurassic Park III feature, paleontologist Jack Horner states that it has only been recently that any good skulls of Velociraptor have come to light.
This is incorrect, as one of the fossils to which the name Velociraptor was first assigned was a beautiful skull. In fact, it is reconstructions of the skull of Deinonychus that have changed because of recently discovered material. Perhaps the more popular name was kept so not to confuse viewers.
Given this exercise in paleontological pedantry, I have to wonder what would have happened if Paul did not lump the Deinonychus fossils under Velociraptor, or even if Crichton hadn’t read Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Would the name Deinonychus have reached the same status? I do not know, nor is it a point worth laboring over for too long. If there is anything “wrong” about the raptors of the Jurassic Park series, it is that they lack a generous covering of feathers, but that is only one of the many points in the franchise paleontologists could take issue with.
[譯] 為何國王都坐着睡覺?
Pourquoi les rois dormaient-ils assis ?
Il y a de cela quelques siècles, les rois ne dormaient pas de la même façon que nous. Ils ne s'allongeaient pas comme nous le faisons aujourd'hui, mais ils s'asseyaient. Drôle de coutume ! On a bien du mal à s'imaginer s'endormir de cette manière... Mais pour quelles raisons faisaient-ils ça ? Pourquoi les rois dormaient-ils assis ? Remontons plusieurs générations en arrière pour comprendre ce phénomène.
Si vous avez déjà eu l'occasion de visiter des châteaux, vous avez sans doute constaté à quel point tout semble grand et démesuré. Les pièces sont immenses, le mobilier également. Seule une exception subsiste : la grandeur des lits. Si les personnes qui y dormaient s'y allongeaient, elles devaient alors être bien plus petites que nous. Et pourtant, cela n'a rien avoir avec leurs tailles. C'est tout simplement car ils s'allongeait pas dedans ! Mais alors, pourquoi les rois dormaient-ils assis ? Et bien, c'était par peur de la mort !
En fait, cela n'était pas réservé aux rois uniquement. Cette pratique s'est répandue dans toute l'aristocratie. Ils étaient nombreux à dormir inclinés sur de gros édredons. A cette époque, ils pensaient que la position allongée attirait la mort, car c'est ainsi que l'on positionne les dépouilles. Cela faisait beaucoup trop penser aux gisants, ces sculptures funéraires représentant le défunt allongé. Ils pensaient donc conjurer le mauvais sort en ne se plaçant pas de cette façon. Cette tradition s'est finalement arrêtée avec la Révolution française. À partir de cette période, tout le monde reprit l'habitude de dormir allongé... Et heureusement ! Certains historiens contestent cette explication qui n'est pas totalement avérée. En tous les cas, la prochaine fois que vous visiterez un château, pensez à regarder la taille du lit !
[譯] 七個與《權力遊戲》相似的歷史事件
原文:7 Historical Parallels to Game of Thrones
1. 國王喬弗里 = 蘭開斯特家愛德華
2. 席恩·葛雷喬伊 = 金雀花家喬治(首任克拉倫斯公爵)
3. 紅教 = 祆教
4. 詹姆·蘭尼斯特 = 伯理興根家哥特佛里(Gottfried von Berlichingen)
在《權力遊戲》第四季首集中,詹姆·蘭尼斯特得到一隻金光閃閃的黃金手臂,用以替代他被斬斷的手。不過,弒君者其實是走了伯理興根家哥特佛里(又稱為鐵手哥次)的老路。哥次與詹姆一樣,出生於貴族世家,後來成為帝國騎士。哥次的手在戰場上被大砲炸掉,但他並沒有因此而打退堂鼓,反而設計了一隻鐵手,再度回到戰場上。他的名言是「他可以舔我的屁股」(er kann mich am Arsche lecken),這也使他成為《Futurama》中班德(Bender)的前輩(按:一卡通人物)。
5. 萊安娜·史塔克 = 盧克利底亞(Lucretia)
6. 黑水灣之戰 = 第二次阿拉伯圍攻君士坦丁堡
7. 紅色婚禮,源自《古事記》
1. 國王喬弗里 = 蘭開斯特家愛德華
2. 席恩·葛雷喬伊 = 金雀花家喬治(首任克拉倫斯公爵)
3. 紅教 = 祆教
4. 詹姆·蘭尼斯特 = 伯理興根家哥特佛里(Gottfried von Berlichingen)
在《權力遊戲》第四季首集中,詹姆·蘭尼斯特得到一隻金光閃閃的黃金手臂,用以替代他被斬斷的手。不過,弒君者其實是走了伯理興根家哥特佛里(又稱為鐵手哥次)的老路。哥次與詹姆一樣,出生於貴族世家,後來成為帝國騎士。哥次的手在戰場上被大砲炸掉,但他並沒有因此而打退堂鼓,反而設計了一隻鐵手,再度回到戰場上。他的名言是「他可以舔我的屁股」(er kann mich am Arsche lecken),這也使他成為《Futurama》中班德(Bender)的前輩(按:一卡通人物)。
5. 萊安娜·史塔克 = 盧克利底亞(Lucretia)
6. 黑水灣之戰 = 第二次阿拉伯圍攻君士坦丁堡
7. 紅色婚禮,源自《古事記》
7 Historical Parallels to Game of Thrones
When creating his highly detailed fantasy world, George R.R. Martin based much of Game of Thrones on medieval European history. In particular, Martin drew heavily from the War of the Roses, which pitted the honorable North against the cunning South. We've written about how The Red Wedding was based on two historical events. Here are seven more possible historical connections.
(We don't know how far you've made it into the show/books, so assume there are spoilers ahead.)
1. King Joffrey is Edward of Lancaster.
As evil as he is, King Joffrey's vicious personality seems to be rooted in history. Edward of Lancaster was the son of King Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou—and, like Joffrey, he was rumored to be of illegitimate birth. Also like Joffrey, Edward had a touch of madness, and he shared Joffrey’s affinity for lopping off the heads of his enemies. The Ambassador of Milan once wrote, "This boy, though only 13 years of age, already talks of nothing but of cutting off heads or making war, as if he had everything in his hands or was the god of battle or the peaceful occupant of that throne." History also gave Edward his comeuppance: he was stabbed to death by Edward IV of York, the real-life equivalent of Robb Stark.
2. Theon Greyjoy is George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence.
Theon grew up in Winterfell as a ward to Lord Eddard Stark and a surrogate brother to Robb. Following the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings, Theon was one of Robb’s most trusted advisors. After Robb sent Theon to meet with his father, Balon Greyjoy, Theon turned on his friend and invaded the North.
Theon's historical counterpart, George Plantagenet, was brother to Edward IV of York and, like Theon, began the War of the Roses as a staunch York defender. Much like Theon, George Plantagenet turned on his brother during the War of the Roses and defected to the Lancasters. After Edward won the war, George was drowned in a butt of wine for his treason, which is a much kinder punishment than the many atrocities that Theon has endured.
3. The Red Faith is Zoroastrianism.
In the show, Stannis follows the advice of the “Red Woman,” Melisandre, who worships a foreign lord of light, R’hllor. The faith of the R’hllor appears to be based on the ancient Persian religion Zoroastrianism. In Zoroastrianism, fire is considered a medium for spiritual awareness and wisdom, with worshipers often praying in the presence of fire or in fire temples. Like the followers of The Lord of Light, Zoroastrianism also stresses a great struggle and the duality between good and evil (in the series it is referred to as “The Lord of Light” and “The Great Other”). As of right now, there is no evidence to suggest that demon shadow babies actually existed.
4. Jaime Lannister is Gottfried von Berlichingen.
In Game of Thrones' season four premiere, Jaime Lannister received a shiny new gold hand to replace the one that was hacked off. The Kingslayer, however, follows in the footsteps of Gottfried von Berlichingen, or as he was known, "Gotz of the Iron Hand." Like Jaime, Gotz was born to a noble family before serving as an Imperial Knight. During battle, Gotz's hand was blown off by a cannon. Not easily deterred, Gotz designed a prosthetic iron hand and returned to combat. He's well known for his catchphrase, "er kann mich am Arsche lecken" ("he can lick my arse"), which also makes him a precursor to Futurama's Bender.
5. Lyanna Stark is Lucretia.
Lyanna Stark was the sister of Eddard Stark and the one true love of Robert Baratheon. While never depicted in the television show, her alleged kidnapping by Rhaegar Targaryen and the events that followed sparked Robert's Rebellion, which landed him on the Iron Throne. Lucretia is a Roman figure who committed suicide after being raped by the Etruscan king's son, a tragedy that sparked the revolution to overthrow the monarchy and establish the Roman Republic. Her last words, "Pledge me your solemn word that the adulterer shall not go unpunished," also seem to mimic Lyanna's famous final words, "Promise me, Ned..."
6. The Battle of Blackwater Bay is The Second Arab Siege of Constantinople.
The Battle of Blackwater Bay—when Stannis Baratheon attempted to siege the capital of King’s Landing—was the focus of the penultimate episode of season two. Stannis was defeated after Tyrion attacked his navy with wildfire, a chemical that burns on water. Tyrion might have gotten this idea from The Second Arab Siege of Constantinople, where Greek Fire, a similar substance, was used to repel invaders. Additionally, in the books, Tyrion employed a giant chain to cut through Stannis’ navy, which is clearly inspired by the Great Chain of Constantinople, also used in The Second Arab Siege.
7. The Red Wedding is from the Kojiki.
Game of Thrones' "Red Wedding" is one of the most shocking moments in TV history. In one move, Tywin Lannister (in collusion with the Roose Bolton and Walder Frey) kills Robb Stark and ends the northern rebellion with "The Rains of Castamere." The Red Wedding is said to be based on two British massacres, but it also draws parallels to an ancient Japanese event: the Kojiki, a half-historical, half-mythological text that chronicles the rise of Japan's first ruler, Emperor Jimmu. The second part of the Kojiki describes how Jimmu consolidated his power: by murdering all of his political rivals at a feast. Like the Red Wedding, the start of the massacre was a song, this one sung by Jimmu himself.
[譯] 法國大革命的真實與虛構
作者:Sarah Pruitt
完全事實。1789年5月,在普遍不滿與財務危機中,法國貴族、教士、平民的諸位代表,齊聚凡爾賽宮。由於前二個特權階級在投票上總是占着優勢,使得第三階級(由多數法國人民所組成)感到厭倦,因而自行宣布成立國民會議,其運作不受王權監督。針對這樣的叛亂舉動,法王路易十六終止了三級會議,也把議員開會的大廳關閉。新成立的會議腦筋動得很快,他們於6月20日,直接在凡爾賽一間名為「Jeu de paume」的室內網球場裏集會起誓,除非法國制定新憲,否則他們絕不解散。
在著名的「網球場誓言」一星期之後,國王被迫讓步,准許前二個階級參與國民會議。路易十六不甘受此大辱,在臣子的挑唆下,開始召集軍隊(包括許多外籍傭兵)到巴黎與凡爾賽附近。6月12日,他把備受歡迎的財務大臣尼克爾(Jacques Necker)免職。即將襲擊第三階級的謠言四起。7月14日,一羣武裝的巴黎民衆攻占巴士底獄。這座位於巴黎東側的中古世紀城砦,此時已成為君主絕對權力的象徵。法國大革命就此展開。
革命羣衆知道巴士底獄裏存有武器彈藥,而他們想要取得這些東西。監獄衛兵在射殺了大約一百名暴民後被迫投降,因為被喚來協防的救援隊反而向革命者倒戈,把砲口轉向巴士底獄。典獄長勞奈(Bernard-Jordan de Launay)高舉白旗投降。結果,革命暴民把他殺了之後,用矛插着他的頭遊街。羣衆在取得武器彈藥後,便在同一日晚上開始拆除巴士底獄。
大部分是流言。著名的法國斷頭臺,可能已成為法國大革命與其後恐怖統治(1793-94年,有高達一萬六千人被處死)的主要象徵。然而,其實在中古世紀時期,就已經有類似的死刑刑具,包括幾乎一模一樣的英國刑具哈利法克斯斷頭臺(Halifax Gibbet),以及惡名昭彰的「蘇格蘭少女」(Scottish Maiden),它在十六到十八世紀間,約處死了一百廿人。除此之外,法國斷頭臺(guillotine)的起名者吉約丹(Joseph-Ignace Guillotin),他甚至不是斷頭臺的發明者,真正的發明者其實是安東尼·路易醫生(Antoine Louis)。吉約丹是法國物理學家,也是國民會議的成員,他試圖改革醫學界,同時他本人也反對死刑。當他體認到死刑幾乎不可能廢除時,就開始尋找快而無痛的行刑方法,而不是像劍斧斬首那樣容易失敗的方式。也由於吉約丹在國民會議前主張路易醫生的刑具(原本稱為「路易生」(Louison)或「路易瑟特」(Louisette))是比較人道的行刑方式,他與斷頭臺的關係因而密不可分。在恐怖統治期間,斷頭臺的使用達到顛峯。吉約丹醫生在1794年被關之後,自己差一點就成了斷頭臺下的亡魂。
在某種程度上算是正確的。您現在若遇見一個法國人,可千萬別祝他巴士底日快樂,因為這個名稱通常只限用於英語系國家。自從法國在十九世紀末葉把7月14日作為國慶日來慶祝開始,他們就以「la Fête nationale」(國慶日)來作為這一日的正式稱呼,另一個更常使用的簡單稱呼則是「le quatorze juillet」(七月十四日)。這個節日是用來紀念1789年7月14日攻占巴士底獄,以及法國大革命的開展,同時也紀念發生於翌年那個較為和平的事件。在1790年7月14日聯盟節(Fête de la Fédération)當天,一連串自發性的慶祝活動在法蘭西全國各地展開,因為這個國家擁抱了它嶄新的自由與團結。當今的國慶日慶祝活動,有行經香榭麗舍大道的閱兵大典,法國總統與其他政治領袖都會出席參加;另外還有一些在全國各地城鎮所舉辦的小遊行、煙火、舞蹈等慶祝活動。
作者:Sarah Pruitt
完全事實。1789年5月,在普遍不滿與財務危機中,法國貴族、教士、平民的諸位代表,齊聚凡爾賽宮。由於前二個特權階級在投票上總是占着優勢,使得第三階級(由多數法國人民所組成)感到厭倦,因而自行宣布成立國民會議,其運作不受王權監督。針對這樣的叛亂舉動,法王路易十六終止了三級會議,也把議員開會的大廳關閉。新成立的會議腦筋動得很快,他們於6月20日,直接在凡爾賽一間名為「Jeu de paume」的室內網球場裏集會起誓,除非法國制定新憲,否則他們絕不解散。
在著名的「網球場誓言」一星期之後,國王被迫讓步,准許前二個階級參與國民會議。路易十六不甘受此大辱,在臣子的挑唆下,開始召集軍隊(包括許多外籍傭兵)到巴黎與凡爾賽附近。6月12日,他把備受歡迎的財務大臣尼克爾(Jacques Necker)免職。即將襲擊第三階級的謠言四起。7月14日,一羣武裝的巴黎民衆攻占巴士底獄。這座位於巴黎東側的中古世紀城砦,此時已成為君主絕對權力的象徵。法國大革命就此展開。
革命羣衆知道巴士底獄裏存有武器彈藥,而他們想要取得這些東西。監獄衛兵在射殺了大約一百名暴民後被迫投降,因為被喚來協防的救援隊反而向革命者倒戈,把砲口轉向巴士底獄。典獄長勞奈(Bernard-Jordan de Launay)高舉白旗投降。結果,革命暴民把他殺了之後,用矛插着他的頭遊街。羣衆在取得武器彈藥後,便在同一日晚上開始拆除巴士底獄。
大部分是流言。著名的法國斷頭臺,可能已成為法國大革命與其後恐怖統治(1793-94年,有高達一萬六千人被處死)的主要象徵。然而,其實在中古世紀時期,就已經有類似的死刑刑具,包括幾乎一模一樣的英國刑具哈利法克斯斷頭臺(Halifax Gibbet),以及惡名昭彰的「蘇格蘭少女」(Scottish Maiden),它在十六到十八世紀間,約處死了一百廿人。除此之外,法國斷頭臺(guillotine)的起名者吉約丹(Joseph-Ignace Guillotin),他甚至不是斷頭臺的發明者,真正的發明者其實是安東尼·路易醫生(Antoine Louis)。吉約丹是法國物理學家,也是國民會議的成員,他試圖改革醫學界,同時他本人也反對死刑。當他體認到死刑幾乎不可能廢除時,就開始尋找快而無痛的行刑方法,而不是像劍斧斬首那樣容易失敗的方式。也由於吉約丹在國民會議前主張路易醫生的刑具(原本稱為「路易生」(Louison)或「路易瑟特」(Louisette))是比較人道的行刑方式,他與斷頭臺的關係因而密不可分。在恐怖統治期間,斷頭臺的使用達到顛峯。吉約丹醫生在1794年被關之後,自己差一點就成了斷頭臺下的亡魂。
在某種程度上算是正確的。您現在若遇見一個法國人,可千萬別祝他巴士底日快樂,因為這個名稱通常只限用於英語系國家。自從法國在十九世紀末葉把7月14日作為國慶日來慶祝開始,他們就以「la Fête nationale」(國慶日)來作為這一日的正式稱呼,另一個更常使用的簡單稱呼則是「le quatorze juillet」(七月十四日)。這個節日是用來紀念1789年7月14日攻占巴士底獄,以及法國大革命的開展,同時也紀念發生於翌年那個較為和平的事件。在1790年7月14日聯盟節(Fête de la Fédération)當天,一連串自發性的慶祝活動在法蘭西全國各地展開,因為這個國家擁抱了它嶄新的自由與團結。當今的國慶日慶祝活動,有行經香榭麗舍大道的閱兵大典,法國總統與其他政治領袖都會出席參加;另外還有一些在全國各地城鎮所舉辦的小遊行、煙火、舞蹈等慶祝活動。
By now you probably know that Marie Antoinette, the decadent, doomed wife of King Louis XVI, never actually uttered the most famous remark linked to the French Revolution: “Let them eat cake.” Versions of the same remark, which supposedly encapsulated the nobility’s callous attitude towards the poor masses of French citizens, were attributed to various rulers back in the 1600s, well before Marie Antoinette arrived on the scene. In honor of France’s national holiday, take a closer look at other frequently repeated stories about the French Revolution and see whether they’re closer to myth or reality.
The key meeting to plan the French Revolution took place on a tennis court.
Fact or Fiction: This one’s all true. In May 1789, amid widespread discontent and financial crisis, representatives of France’s nobility, clergy and commoners met at the Palace of Versailles. Tired of being outvoted by the two more privileged estates, deputies of the Third Estate—which made up the vast majority of France’s population—declared itself a National Assembly, which would operate outside the monarchy’s supervision. In response to this act of rebellion, King Louis XVI shut down the Estates-General, and closed the hall in which the deputies were meeting. Thinking fast, the newly created assembly met on June 20 on an indoor tennis court at Versailles called the “jeu de paume,” where they pledged not to disband until France adopted a new written constitution.
A week after the famous Tennis Court Oath, the king was forced to give in and allow the first two estates to join the National Assembly. Humiliated by this defeat and spurred on by his advisers, Louis began assembling army troops (including many foreign mercenaries) around Paris and Versailles, and on July 12 he dismissed his popular finance minister, Jacques Necker. Rumors spread of an impending attack on the Third Estate, and on July 14 a crowd of armed Parisians stormed the Bastille, the medieval fortress on the eastern side of Paris that had become a symbol of the monarchy’s absolute power. The French Revolution had begun.
The French Revolution was an uprising of France’s poorest citizens.
Fact or Fiction: Contrary to the version of the French Revolution made famous in such works as Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities,” France’s poorest population played a relatively small role in the rebellion. The leaders who emerged in 1789 to defy the king and form the National Assembly were professionals and intellectuals—lawyers, doctors, journalists and writers—and even some members of the nobility, including the Comte de Mirabeau, the Marquis de Condorcet and the Marquis de Lafayette (hero of the American Revolution). The crowds who stormed the Bastille were largely made up of craftspeople and salesmen, and most of the militant “sans-culottes” (their name comes from the long trousers they wore instead of the silk knee breeches favored by the nobility), who claimed to act on behalf of the poorer classes, were merchants, artisans and clerks.
Crowds stormed the Bastille in order to free political prisoners being held there.
Fact or Fiction: This one’s also a myth. Beginning in the 17th century, the French monarchy put writers and other people they considered troublemakers behind bars at the former medieval fortress turned prison, and the practice continued throughout the 18th century as well. Perhaps the most famous writer imprisoned in the Bastille for sedition was the Voltaire, whose satirical attacks on French politics and religion earned him nearly a year behind bars in 1717. But by the time of the French Revolution, this wasn’t really happening anymore, and there were only seven prisoners in the Bastille on July 14, 1789: four counterfeiters, two mentally ill men and a count who had been delivered to the prison by his family for engaging in perverse sexual practices. (Incidentally, the Marquis de Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille from 1784 to just days before the crowds stormed the prison, when he was transferred to an insane asylum after shouting through his window “They are massacring the prisoners—you must come and free them!”)
The revolutionary crowds knew there was a cache of arms and gunpowder stored in the Bastille, and they wanted it. After firing on the mob and killing some 100 people, the men guarding the prison were forced to surrender after the rescue team called to secure the fortress joined the revolutionaries and aimed their cannons at the Bastille instead. Its military governor, Bernard-Jordan de Launay, flew the white flag of surrender; as a reward, the revolutionary mob killed him and paraded his head through the streets on a pike. After capturing the weapons and gunpowder, the crowd began dismantling the Bastille that same night.
The French Revolution gave birth to the guillotine.
Fact or Fiction: Mostly a myth. The famed guillotine became perhaps the foremost symbol of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror that followed in 1793-94, during which as many as 16,000 people were executed. But similar devices had been used for executions going back to the Middle Ages, including a nearly identical English device known as the Halifax Gibbet, and the notorious “Scottish Maiden,” used in some 120 executions from the 16th to the 18th century. What’s more, the man who gave his name to the French device, Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, didn’t even invent it—that honor belongs to Dr. Antoine Louis. Guillotin, a French physician and member of the National Assembly, sought to reform the medical profession, and opposed the death penalty personally. As he was resigned to the fact that capital punishment could most likely not be abolished, he sought to make it as painless and quick as possible—unlike sword and axe beheadings, which were easily bungled. Because Guillotin argued in front of the Assembly that Dr. Louis’ device—originally nicknamed the “Louison” or “Louisette”—was a more humane means of execution, he would be forever associated with it. During the Reign of Terror, when use of the guillotine reached its height, Dr. Guillotin narrowly avoided becoming its victim himself, after he was imprisoned in 1794.
French people celebrate Bastille Day.
Fact or Fiction: This is true—sort of. If you see a French person today, just don’t wish them a happy Bastille Day, as that designation is mostly limited to English-speaking countries. While France has celebrated July 14 as its national holiday since the late 19th century, it’s officially known as “La Fête nationale,” and more often referred to simply as “le quatorze juillet” or the 14th of July. The holiday commemorates the storming of the Bastille—and the launch of the French Revolution—on July 14, 1789, as well as a more peaceful event that took place the following year. During the “Fête de la Fédération” on July 14, 1790, a series of spontaneous celebrations broke out throughout France as the country embraced its newfound liberty and unity. Today, celebrations held on the national holiday include a large military parade down the Champs-Élysées, attended by France’s president and other political leaders, and smaller parades, fireworks, dances and celebrations in towns throughout the country.
The key meeting to plan the French Revolution took place on a tennis court.
Fact or Fiction: This one’s all true. In May 1789, amid widespread discontent and financial crisis, representatives of France’s nobility, clergy and commoners met at the Palace of Versailles. Tired of being outvoted by the two more privileged estates, deputies of the Third Estate—which made up the vast majority of France’s population—declared itself a National Assembly, which would operate outside the monarchy’s supervision. In response to this act of rebellion, King Louis XVI shut down the Estates-General, and closed the hall in which the deputies were meeting. Thinking fast, the newly created assembly met on June 20 on an indoor tennis court at Versailles called the “jeu de paume,” where they pledged not to disband until France adopted a new written constitution.
A week after the famous Tennis Court Oath, the king was forced to give in and allow the first two estates to join the National Assembly. Humiliated by this defeat and spurred on by his advisers, Louis began assembling army troops (including many foreign mercenaries) around Paris and Versailles, and on July 12 he dismissed his popular finance minister, Jacques Necker. Rumors spread of an impending attack on the Third Estate, and on July 14 a crowd of armed Parisians stormed the Bastille, the medieval fortress on the eastern side of Paris that had become a symbol of the monarchy’s absolute power. The French Revolution had begun.
The French Revolution was an uprising of France’s poorest citizens.
Fact or Fiction: Contrary to the version of the French Revolution made famous in such works as Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities,” France’s poorest population played a relatively small role in the rebellion. The leaders who emerged in 1789 to defy the king and form the National Assembly were professionals and intellectuals—lawyers, doctors, journalists and writers—and even some members of the nobility, including the Comte de Mirabeau, the Marquis de Condorcet and the Marquis de Lafayette (hero of the American Revolution). The crowds who stormed the Bastille were largely made up of craftspeople and salesmen, and most of the militant “sans-culottes” (their name comes from the long trousers they wore instead of the silk knee breeches favored by the nobility), who claimed to act on behalf of the poorer classes, were merchants, artisans and clerks.
Crowds stormed the Bastille in order to free political prisoners being held there.
Fact or Fiction: This one’s also a myth. Beginning in the 17th century, the French monarchy put writers and other people they considered troublemakers behind bars at the former medieval fortress turned prison, and the practice continued throughout the 18th century as well. Perhaps the most famous writer imprisoned in the Bastille for sedition was the Voltaire, whose satirical attacks on French politics and religion earned him nearly a year behind bars in 1717. But by the time of the French Revolution, this wasn’t really happening anymore, and there were only seven prisoners in the Bastille on July 14, 1789: four counterfeiters, two mentally ill men and a count who had been delivered to the prison by his family for engaging in perverse sexual practices. (Incidentally, the Marquis de Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille from 1784 to just days before the crowds stormed the prison, when he was transferred to an insane asylum after shouting through his window “They are massacring the prisoners—you must come and free them!”)
The revolutionary crowds knew there was a cache of arms and gunpowder stored in the Bastille, and they wanted it. After firing on the mob and killing some 100 people, the men guarding the prison were forced to surrender after the rescue team called to secure the fortress joined the revolutionaries and aimed their cannons at the Bastille instead. Its military governor, Bernard-Jordan de Launay, flew the white flag of surrender; as a reward, the revolutionary mob killed him and paraded his head through the streets on a pike. After capturing the weapons and gunpowder, the crowd began dismantling the Bastille that same night.
The French Revolution gave birth to the guillotine.
Fact or Fiction: Mostly a myth. The famed guillotine became perhaps the foremost symbol of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror that followed in 1793-94, during which as many as 16,000 people were executed. But similar devices had been used for executions going back to the Middle Ages, including a nearly identical English device known as the Halifax Gibbet, and the notorious “Scottish Maiden,” used in some 120 executions from the 16th to the 18th century. What’s more, the man who gave his name to the French device, Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, didn’t even invent it—that honor belongs to Dr. Antoine Louis. Guillotin, a French physician and member of the National Assembly, sought to reform the medical profession, and opposed the death penalty personally. As he was resigned to the fact that capital punishment could most likely not be abolished, he sought to make it as painless and quick as possible—unlike sword and axe beheadings, which were easily bungled. Because Guillotin argued in front of the Assembly that Dr. Louis’ device—originally nicknamed the “Louison” or “Louisette”—was a more humane means of execution, he would be forever associated with it. During the Reign of Terror, when use of the guillotine reached its height, Dr. Guillotin narrowly avoided becoming its victim himself, after he was imprisoned in 1794.
French people celebrate Bastille Day.
Fact or Fiction: This is true—sort of. If you see a French person today, just don’t wish them a happy Bastille Day, as that designation is mostly limited to English-speaking countries. While France has celebrated July 14 as its national holiday since the late 19th century, it’s officially known as “La Fête nationale,” and more often referred to simply as “le quatorze juillet” or the 14th of July. The holiday commemorates the storming of the Bastille—and the launch of the French Revolution—on July 14, 1789, as well as a more peaceful event that took place the following year. During the “Fête de la Fédération” on July 14, 1790, a series of spontaneous celebrations broke out throughout France as the country embraced its newfound liberty and unity. Today, celebrations held on the national holiday include a large military parade down the Champs-Élysées, attended by France’s president and other political leaders, and smaller parades, fireworks, dances and celebrations in towns throughout the country.
[譯] 困蹙中的語言
作者:Elizabeth Nix
根據《史密森尼》雜誌(Smithsonian)最近的報告指出,曾一度廣泛應用於通商與政府的阿拉姆語(Aramaic),恐將在一至二個世代間消失。現代阿拉姆語的重要學者、劍橋大學的語言學家──喬弗里‧可汗(Geoffrey Khan),正試圖在阿拉姆語各方言最後使用者消逝前,將這些方言記錄下來。其中,可汗訪問了一些芝加哥北郊的居民,當地是標準的亞述人居住地,這些亞述人是說着阿拉姆語的基督教徒,他們由於受到迫害與戰事,被迫離開地處中東的祖國。
當亞述民族於西元前八世紀,在中東建立起帝國時,就採用了阿拉姆語為語言(該語言源自於沙漠的游牧民族阿拉姆人)。即使在亞述人被征服之後,阿拉姆語仍在當地盛行了數個世紀(梅爾吉勃遜2004年那部有名的電影《耶穌受難記》(the Passion of the Christ),講述了耶穌死前最後十二個小時的故事,劇中的對白,使用的就是阿拉姆語與拉丁語)。
作者:Elizabeth Nix
根據《史密森尼》雜誌(Smithsonian)最近的報告指出,曾一度廣泛應用於通商與政府的阿拉姆語(Aramaic),恐將在一至二個世代間消失。現代阿拉姆語的重要學者、劍橋大學的語言學家──喬弗里‧可汗(Geoffrey Khan),正試圖在阿拉姆語各方言最後使用者消逝前,將這些方言記錄下來。其中,可汗訪問了一些芝加哥北郊的居民,當地是標準的亞述人居住地,這些亞述人是說着阿拉姆語的基督教徒,他們由於受到迫害與戰事,被迫離開地處中東的祖國。
當亞述民族於西元前八世紀,在中東建立起帝國時,就採用了阿拉姆語為語言(該語言源自於沙漠的游牧民族阿拉姆人)。即使在亞述人被征服之後,阿拉姆語仍在當地盛行了數個世紀(梅爾吉勃遜2004年那部有名的電影《耶穌受難記》(the Passion of the Christ),講述了耶穌死前最後十二個小時的故事,劇中的對白,使用的就是阿拉姆語與拉丁語)。
Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, soon could be extinct, according to a recent report. In existence for some 3,000 years and once commonly used all across the Middle East, this ancient tongue is now rapidly dying out. And it’s not just Aramaic that’s disappearing. Experts predict that 50 percent to 90 percent of today’s languages will have vanished by the end of this century.
According to a recent report in Smithsonian magazine, Aramaic, once widely used for commerce and government, could likely disappear within a generation or two. A leading scholar of modern Aramaic, University of Cambridge linguist Geoffrey Khan, is trying to document all of Aramaic’s dialects before its final native speakers die out. As part of his work, Khan has interviewed subjects in Chicago’s northern suburbs, home to a significant population of Assyrians, Aramaic-speaking Christians who left their native countries in the Middle East to escape persecution and war.
The Assyrian people adopted Aramaic (which originated with desert nomads known as the Arameans) when they established an empire in the Middle East in the eighth century B.C. Even after the Assyrians were conquered, the language thrived in the region for centuries. (Famously, the dialogue in Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie “The Passion of the Christ,” about the final 12 hours of Jesus’ life, was in Aramaic and Latin.)
Aramaic remained the common language in the Middle East until the seventh century A.D., when it was replaced by Arabic by invading Muslim forces from Arabia. Afterward, Aramaic continued to be spoken only by non-Muslims in remote mountain areas of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Over the past century, as Aramaic speakers have fled their villages for cities and other countries (such as the Chicago-area Assyrians interviewed by Khan), the language hasn’t been passed on to younger generations.
Today, there could be as many as 500,000 Aramaic speakers dispersed around the planet; however, this figure is deceptive. Researchers believe there are more than 100 different dialects of the mother tongue, known as Neo-Aramaic, some of which have already become extinct. Other dialects have few living speakers, and in most cases Aramaic is only used as an oral—and not a written—language.
Aramaic is far from the only endangered language. Linguists fear that, as the world becomes increasingly connected, 50 percent to 90 percent of the approximately 7,000 languages in use today could be gone by the end of the century. As things stand now, 94 percent of the people on the planet communicate in just 6 percent of its languages.
According to a recent report in Smithsonian magazine, Aramaic, once widely used for commerce and government, could likely disappear within a generation or two. A leading scholar of modern Aramaic, University of Cambridge linguist Geoffrey Khan, is trying to document all of Aramaic’s dialects before its final native speakers die out. As part of his work, Khan has interviewed subjects in Chicago’s northern suburbs, home to a significant population of Assyrians, Aramaic-speaking Christians who left their native countries in the Middle East to escape persecution and war.
The Assyrian people adopted Aramaic (which originated with desert nomads known as the Arameans) when they established an empire in the Middle East in the eighth century B.C. Even after the Assyrians were conquered, the language thrived in the region for centuries. (Famously, the dialogue in Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie “The Passion of the Christ,” about the final 12 hours of Jesus’ life, was in Aramaic and Latin.)
Aramaic remained the common language in the Middle East until the seventh century A.D., when it was replaced by Arabic by invading Muslim forces from Arabia. Afterward, Aramaic continued to be spoken only by non-Muslims in remote mountain areas of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Over the past century, as Aramaic speakers have fled their villages for cities and other countries (such as the Chicago-area Assyrians interviewed by Khan), the language hasn’t been passed on to younger generations.
Today, there could be as many as 500,000 Aramaic speakers dispersed around the planet; however, this figure is deceptive. Researchers believe there are more than 100 different dialects of the mother tongue, known as Neo-Aramaic, some of which have already become extinct. Other dialects have few living speakers, and in most cases Aramaic is only used as an oral—and not a written—language.
Aramaic is far from the only endangered language. Linguists fear that, as the world becomes increasingly connected, 50 percent to 90 percent of the approximately 7,000 languages in use today could be gone by the end of the century. As things stand now, 94 percent of the people on the planet communicate in just 6 percent of its languages.
席努黑流亡記 / Sinouhé(未完)
§ 席努黑自介 §
[b][r](i)r(y)-pat HAt(y)-a[] sAb aD-mr spAwt ity tAw styw[]
[b]rx nsw mAa mry.f Smsw sA-nht Dd.f[]
[b]ink Smsw Sms nb.f bAk n ipt nsw[]
[b](i)r(y)t-pat wrt Hswt Hmt-nsw s-n-wsrt m Xnm-swt[]
有大恩惠的大小姐、王后、Kenemsout 的 Sénousert(即 Sésostris Ier)、
[b]sAt-nsw imn-m-HAt m qA-nfrw nfrw nbt imAx[]
以及公主、Kaneferou 的 Amenemhat,和受人崇敬的女主 Neferou(的王閨之僕)
§ 法老之死 §
[b]rnpt-sp 30 Abd 3 Axt sw 7[]
[b]ar nTr r Axt.f nsw-bit(y) sHtp-ib-ra[]
神(指法老)升向其天際。兩埃及王 Sehetepibrê…
[b]sHr.f r pt Xnm(.w) m itn Haw-nTr Abx(.w) m ir(w) sw[]
[b]iw Xnw m sgr ibw m gmw[]
[b]rwty wrty xtm.w[]
[b]Snyt m tp-Hr-mAsty pat m imw[]
§ 席努黑逃亡 §
[b]ist rf sb.n Hm.f mSa r tA TmHw[]
[b]sA.f smsw m Hry iry[]
[b]nTr nfr s-n-wsrt[]
[b]ti sw hAb(.w) r Hwt xAswt r sqr imyw THnw[]
[b]ti sw Hm iy.f ini.n.f sqrw-anxw n THnw[]
[b]mnmnt nbt nn Drw.s[]
[b]smrw nw stp-sA hAb.sn r gs imnty[]
[b]r rdit rx sA-nsw sSmw xpr m aXnwty[]
[b]gm.n sw wpwtyw Hr wAt[]
[b]pH.n.sn sw r tr n xAwy[]
[b]n sp sin.n.f rssy[]
[b]bik aXi .f Hna Smsw .f[]
[b]nn rdit rx st mSa .f[]
[b]ist hAb(.w) r msw-nsw wnw m-xt .f m mSa pn[]
[b]nis.n.tw n wa im[]
[b]ist wi aHa.kwi sDm.n.i xrw.f[]
[b]iw.f Hr mdt iw.i m arw wA[]
[b]psx ib.i sS awy.i sdA xr(.w) m at.i nbt[]
[b]nfa.n.i wi m nftft r HH n.i st dg[]
[b]rdit(.i) wi imit bAty r irt wAt Smw.s[]
[b]irt.i Smt m xntyt[]
[b]n kA.i spr r Xnw pn[]
[b]xmt.n.i xpr HAayt[]
[b]n Dd.i anx r-sA.f[]
[b]nmi.n.i mAaty m hAw nht[]
我橫渡/穿越-Maâti 運河-在-附近-無花果樹
我在無花果樹附近渡過 Maâti 運河,
[b]smA.n.i m iw-snfrw[]
我在 Snéfrou 島上岸。
[b]wrS.n.i m aD n sxt[]
[b]HD.n.i wn hrw[]
[b]xp.n.i s aHa(.w) m r(A)-wAt[]
[b]tr.n.f wi snD n.f[]
[b]xpr.n tr n msyt sAH.n.i r dmi ngAw[]
到了晚飯時間,我才行抵 Negaou 渡口。
[b]DA.n.i m wsxt nn Hmw.s m swt n imnty[]
[b]swA.n.i Hr iAbty ikw m Hryt nbt Dw-dSr[]
我通過-在…上-東-采石場-在-…上方的-女主-紅山(Gebel el Ahmar)
[b]rdit.i wAt n rdwy.i m xd[]
[b]dmi.n.i inbw-HqA iry r xsf styw r ptpt nmiw-Sa[]
[b]Ssp.n.i ksw.i m bAt[]
[b]m snD mAA wrSy tp inb imy hrw.f[]
[b]ir.i Smt tr n xAwy[]
[b]HD.n tA pH.n.i ptn[]
當大地泛白(即天亮)時,我走到了 Peten。
[b]xn.kwi r iw n km-wr[]
我在 Kemour 中的島嶼稍作停頓。
[b]xr.n ibt As.n.f wi[]
[b]ntb.kwi xx.i xm[]
[b]Dd.n.i dpt mwt nn[]
[b]Tst.i ib.i sAq.i Haw.i[]
[b]sDm.n.i xrw nmi n mnmnt[]
[b]gmH.n.i styw[]
[b]siA.n wi mtn im pA wnn Hr kmt[]
[b]aHa.n rdi.n.f n.i mw ps n.i irtt[]
[b]Sm.n.i Hna.f n wHyt.f nfr irt.n.sn[]
§ 落腳 Rétchénou §
[b]rdi.n wi xAst n xAst[]
[b]fx.n.i r kpny Hs.n.i r qdm[]
我出發向 Byblos 邁進,折而來到 Qedem。
[b]ir.n.i rnpt gs im[]
[b]in wi amw-nnSi[]
Amounenchi 把我帶回去。
[b]HqA pw n rtnw Hrt[]
他是 Rétchénou 的統治者。
[b]Dd.f n.i[]
[b]nfr tw Hna.i sDm.k r n kmt[]
[b]Dd.n.f nn rx.n.f qd.i sDm.n.f SsA.i[]
[b]mtr.n wi rmT kmt ntyw im Hna.f[]
[b]aHa.n Dd.n.f n.i[]
[b]pH.n.k nn Hr sy iSst[]
[b]in iw wn xprt m Xnw[]
[b]aHa.n Dd.n.i n.f[]
[b]nsw-bit sHtp-ib-ra wDA(.w) r Axt[]
兩埃及王 Sehetepibrê 已走向天際(指死亡),
[b]n rx.n.tw xprt Hr.s[]
[b]Dd.n.i swt m iw-ms[]
[b]ii.n.i m mSa n tA TmHw[]
[b]wHm.tw n.i[]
[b]ib.i Ahd(.w) in.n.f wi Hr wAt nt wart[]
[b]n psg.tw.i n wfA.tw r Hr.i[]
[b]n sDm Ts-Hwrw n sDm.tw rn.i m r wHmw[]
[b]n rx.i in wi r xAst tn[]
[b]iw mi sxr nTr[]
[b]mi mAA sw idHy m Abw[]
[b]s n XAt m tA-sty[]
沼澤地男子(看見自己)身在 Tasety 一樣。
[b]aHa.n Dd.n.f xft.i[]
[b]wnn irf tA pf mi-m m-xmt.f nTr pf mnx[]
[b]wnnw snD.f xt xAswt mi sxmt rnpt idw[]
對他(指神)的害怕,充斥着異地各處,就如同(對)Sekhmet 女神瘟疫年(的害怕)一樣。
[b]Dd.k(w).i r.i n.f wSb.i n.f[]
[b]nHmn sA.f aq r aH[]
[b]iT.n.f iwat nt it.f[]
[b]nTr pw nn snw.f nn ky xpr r Xr-HAt.f[]
[b]nb sAt pw iqr sxrw mnx wDwt[]
[b]prt hAt xft wD.f[]
[b]ntf dAr xAswt iw it.f m-Xnw aH.f[]
[b]smi.f n.f SAt.f xpr[]
[b]nxt pw grt ir m xpS.f pr-a nn twt n.f[]
[b]mAA.tw.f hA.f r-pDtyw Xam.f r-DAw[]
[b]waf ab pw sgnn Drwt[]
[b]n Ts.n xrwyw.f skw[]
[b]ia Hr pw tSb wpwt n aHa.n.tw m-hAw.f[]
[b]pD nmtt pw st.f bhAw[]
[b]nn pHwy n DD n.f sA[]
[b]aHa-ib pw m At sAsA[]
[b]anw pw n rDi.n.f sA.f[]
[b]wmt ib pw mAA.f aSAt n rDi.n.f Hms HA ib.f[]
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